MacCaching is best describe as iTunes for Geocaches.

When I received my Garmin eTrex Venture for my birthday, I was dissappointed to see the software selection for my iMac. GPSBabel has a OSX port, but it didn’t work with my unit. GPS Connect looked promising, but doesn’t appear to be in active development.

As I got started with Geocaching, I found I wanted a way to organize all of the little GPX files litering my desktop. I also thought it’d be nice if I had a central place I could come back to and see the list of caches I’m currently seeking. In other words, something to link me back to

Anyway, I set out to create the following program
Basic: Transfer GPS Coordinates to/from my GPS in OS X.
Intermediate: Allow me to manage waypoints/caches I’m “working on.”
Advanced: Integrate with

I’m nearing my 0.1 milestone:
– Functional user interface with iTunes-like functionality.
– To achieve a functional UI, the backend needs to be completed first.

Outstanding issues:
– Drop and drop between coordinate list and playlist window
– Editing waypoints/caches in the coordinate list
– Offer display options for the coordinate (DDMMSS, ##.####, etc)
– Add preferences controls for the two XMLs.


Fan of making things beep, blink and fly. Created AddOhms. Writer for News. Freelance electronics content creator for hire! KN6FGY and, of course, bald.

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