
B&K Precision DAS60 Hands-On

6 Channel and "Handheld"

The B&K Precision DAS60 is a data recorder. It features 6 wide-range voltage inputs, 16 digital channels, and RTD thermal sensor inputs and comes in a small compact form factor. In this video, I show what it can do.

The DAS60 is designed for lab and fieldwork. Its built-in battery means you can deploy it in a facility and let it log data. It has built-in ethernet and support for generic Wi-Fi dongles. The computer runs Windows CE and has RealVNC pre-installed. This combination lets you connect remotely to configure the instrument, check its status, or review recorded data.

Fan of making things beep, blink and fly. Created AddOhms. Writer for Hackster.io News. Freelance electronics content creator for hire! KN6FGY and, of course, bald.

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