A couple of years ago I started looking at what it would take to make a quadcopter. At the time, I only had the limited tools at the Austin hackerspace available to me (which I don’t think even has a space anymore). So I shelved the idea since I didn’t see a time effective way to make any of the components. Fast forward to a few months ago when I joined the TechShop in Austin. Now I have no excuses to not make a custom Quadrotor.
Status: Active, In Progress (Updated: 4/18/2013)
Pictures: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cmiyc/sets/72157633185131473/with/8653034709/
This Quadrotor project is a collaborative effort between Mike Kurdziel and I. The unique twist on this collaboration is that he is located in Menlo Park, CA and I am in Austin, TX. We’re collaborating remotely while doing most of work on the TechShop locations in each of our towns.