


On today’s PodCacher.com pod-cast I heard that Groundspeak launched the Unite For Diabetes Travel Bug Promotion to help raise awareness for diabetes worldwide. They have a limited number of travel bugs which they will ship anywhere in the world, for free! The goal for each Travel Bug is to reach its city and circulate throughout the city’s geocaches, spreading diabetes awareness as it goes.

There is a sign-up page there if you’d like to try get one of the specially designed travel bug tags with a blue diabetes ring. Visit the main site for more information.

Officials for the Virgin Island National Parks (VINP) are concerned about the effect Geocaching has on their parks. The officials appear to want to make things right and find a way to regulate caching. For the time being though, caches aren’t allowed inside of VINP boundries. This article serves as an important reminder. You can not just assume you have permission to place a cache! Public lands like parks are often regulated to protect the land. Even though it is public, you can’t just place caches there.