- Measure Battery Voltage
- Signal Level Shifter
- Reference Voltage
- R-2R Ladder
- One Analog Input with Many Buttons
To detect a short and long button press using millis can give your project more functionality without adding more buttons. In this line-by-line example, I show how to react to a user pressing a button for a short period (100ms) or a long period (over 500ms). My example changes the blink rate of an LED on short presses. A long button press turns off the LED.
In the code, I make use of a struct so that a single variable can be used to track multiple parameters. The benefit of this method is that adding multiple buttons is easy. You could create an array of these tyepdef’d variables.
Download At GitHubThe Arduino is fast, humans are slow. When you push down a button, what seems like a single change to slow humans is really multiple presses to an Arduino. This is known as “bouncing.” Figure 1 is an oscilloscope screenshot showing what could happen when a button is pressed.
When hooking up switches or buttons to an Arduino I/O pin, sometimes the results might appear completely random. Sometimes it will appear as though there is a delay from when the button is pressed until the state of the pin actually changes. Other times the pin’s value will seem to randomly fluctuate from HIGH to LOW. Even more maddening might be as your finger gets closer to the switch, the pin’s state changes! The fix to these problems is simple: use the Arduino Internal Pull-up Resistor. Here’s how they can fix this problem and how you can use them with an Arduino board.
This is a 4-minute video version of the Arduino Pull-Up Tutorial: