Each year it is fun to see who gets “got”. With Twitter fever getter hotter each day, people can’t help but spread juicy news details. Here’s a running list of the April Fool’s Gags I ran across in 2014 (updated links at top of list)
- OSHPark is going to switch to Green PCBs
- Instructables going to sell all their Instrustables in a single book
- Waze Introduces WazeDates (Video)
- Make Magazine‘s list of reader’s pranks
- Sphero Introduces “Selfibot” (Video)
- Raspberry Pi Shows off new retro design
- Click here for a Cached Screenshot of the Pi Joke Page
- Kickstarter is changing it’s name (less vowels)
- Single Person Tool Shop, Boldport, Acquired by Apple
- Octopart Now supporting Snapchat
- iFixIt Acquired by Apple
- http://www.ifixit.com/apple_press_release
- Complete with red herring as shown in their new Smartphone Replaceability Indexes
- Think Geek‘s Flux Capacitor Charger
- Seriously hope this one becomes real: http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/1ba1/
- Sparkfun ran a sporting contest
- Bored Elon Musk‘s Tweet on if you should do an April Fool’s Joke
I can’t help but think that Apple is going to not like repeatedly being used in these yearly jokes. What jokes have I missed or what were your favorites? Leave them in the comments.