CMiYC is my online name which I have used for over a decade. I first started using my online name during the BBS-era. The cyberspace name meant, good luck finding me since I wasn’t online as much as most people. I would leave it as a tagline. When I got my first car, a first-year Dodge Neon, I would street race. Not exactly the smartest thing ever, mind you. These days, I keep it on the track.
Although this website’s direction has changed over the years, it has always been some kind of blog, about me. For a long time I’ve had the desire to write a book. Call me conceited, I have stuff I want to tell people. Books always seemed like the way to be credible. Times change and now blogs seem the way to go.
If you were looking for a play or a movie or info on a certain movie star, you’ve come to the wrong place. I’ve had this domain since long before that particular person graced us with a sob-story about a sinking hunk of iron.