It isn’t always clear what is meant by calling a device or a signal “analog” and “digital”.  This AddOhms tutorial explains the difference between analog and digital by using an analogy to clocks.  Old-school clocks with hands are a great example of “analog” while alarm clocks with digits as their display are an excellent example of “digital”.

Episode Notes

Links mentioned in video:

AddOhms Episode 5 (Differences between AC and DC):
Adafruit ADXL377 Breakout board:
Arduino (In case you need it):

Behind the Scenes

With this video, I decided to change the “format” a little bit.  Instead of hand drawing everything in the video, I started using photographs and motion graphics to explain things.  The cycle time is about the same, but I think the mix makes things more visually interesting.

Another change is that I’m no longer licensing the videos under CC.  Why?  Because I decided CC was a bad idea?  No, not at all.  This is the first video where I used stock material (hint:  the clocks).  I’m not sure I understand the license of the material and how it relates to a CC like license.  I need to meet with a lawyer to check my options there.

For the next video, I’m working on an all new introduction animation for the videos.  If you want to see the audio test I ran with some friends, check out this video.  The animation is the same in all 3 examples, only the audio changes.

Author James Lewis

Fan of making things beep, blink and fly. Created AddOhms. Stream on Twitch. Video Host on element14 Presents and writing for Hackster.IO. Call sign KN6FGY.

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